Our group services were:
- Engineering Services for Construction Permit CDPII- ACS03 Compressor Station in Albania.
- Design and Consultancy services for the “Local Engineering Services by licensed architect and fire protection”.
Project Date: 01/2013 - 04/2018 |
Project Value: - € |
Street: Themistokli Gëmenji
Tirana, Albania
Phone: 04 225 8326
Pasquale Palmieri (Project manager)
Phone: +39 06 20399.051
284, El. Venizelou - GR176 75
Kallithea -Athens-Greece
Phone: (+30) 210 94 91 600
Fax: (+30) 210 94 91 610
C&M Engineering S.A.
99, Pratinou str. – GR 11634
Athens, Greece
Phone: (+30) 210 72 20 014
Fax: (+30) 210 72 20 298
E.ON Technologies GmbH
Alexander-von-Humboldt-Straße 1, 45896 Gelsenkirchen, GERMANY
Tirana, Albania
Phone: +49 209 60105
Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG Albania, Branch
Building No.12 (ABA Business Centre)
Phone: +355(4)4 306 937
In the first phase of pipeline construction in Albania, a compressor station and a metering station has been built near Fier, and near Bilisht, respectively. In a second phase, should the pipeline capacity be expanded to 20 billion cubic metres (bcm), the metering station near Bilisht will be turned into an additional compressor station.
The ACS03-Compressor Station in Fier is designed to meter and compress natural gas for further transportation purposes. The station is designed in a block design, which means that the gas is routed to a common header up- and downstream of each process unit.
Our group have been responsible for the Review/Format/Translation/Verification and Signing of the documents and drawings provided by AFCM regarding the Albanian Compressor Station (Process, Civil, Architectural, Structural, HVAC, Civil Infrastructure, Fire Fighting, General Layouts, Electrical, Mechanical, Technical Reports and Calculations, etc.) for permitting applications.
Design and consultancy service for the firefighting project of two compressor stations ( in Bilisht and Fier). The design of the firefighting main ring to each compressor station, compartment and identification of the structure refers to Albanian law and norms where each structure has its own REI and EI for the doors. In the compressor hall its preview the design of the hydrants, firefighting signs, detection system with a main panel in the control room and a CO2 system to the turbine enclosure. Electrical room was control with smoke, flame and gas detector where in a protected room its preview installation an automatic extinguisher system with argon. Local assistance to the project for taking permit to the authority and local consultancy for the preparation of all necessary documents.